Tea Detox for the New Year
Why is it the best things are always so bad? The gift basket at work. Being an adult and tasting Eggnog (w/brandy), hot toddies, and Buttered Rum. How can you over endulge, and still fit your clothing? I'll tell you, a tea detox.

Skinny Tea gives you step by step directions on how to detox this holiday season.
Ashwaganda Root, calms the nerves. Celery Leaf, helps promote healthy kidney functions. Theses are just some examples of what these elixirs do. Goji Berries, Jasmine Tea, Lemon Grass, Nettle Leaf, Sencha Green Tea, Senna Leaves, and Yerba Mate create an abundance of tastes to help replenish your bodies natural energy to rejuvenate itself. Our NEW Crystal Tea Strainers are the perfect accessory for your loose leaf tea. They also make the perfect gift for the tea fanatics in your life!From our hearts at Mahana, to yours, Happy Holidays everyone. PLEASE, stay safe. Stay wise. Stay fulfilled with all you deserve and want. Stay with us.
Mahana Love,
Posted on December 24 2015